Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When Life Hands You Feathers

None of this "New Year's Resolution" crap for me. I am calling mine the "47 1/2 Years Rules for Living the Second Half of My Life". The shorter version needs to be thought up but not right now.

First rule, implemented in November, was "I will have fun, no matter who I am with or why."
We were on our way to the last big Thanksgiving hurrah at my parent's home. The good, the bad and the baptist would be attending. Rather than dreading the occasion and counting the time we HAD to spend, I threw bad vibes to the wind and decided "I WILL HAVE FUN". And, I had fun. A really good time. I laughed like a hyena. I joked. I told people I loved them (and meant it!) I even used this rule for sitting through a few LONG church sermons. So the having fun rule works!

Second rule, which I started also in November: "I will do my best and accept my best as best". Take for example finding a black Sharpie pen has made it through the laundry cycle from washer to dryer. And shared it's permanent goodness. Now, you must know I: sort by color; check front and back pockets for contraband; pull up zippers, because pants and tops are less wrinkly that way; pretreat spots with my gallon of Shout or Zout or whatever; and even wash something twice or thrice to get out stains. But, thanks to Hermes, who put the pen in one of his seven "cargo" pockets, we had a streaks of black on my carefully cleaned laundry. I did my best, but stuff happens. Either I chastise myself, or yell at my kid, or accept my best is my best. Flaws and all.

I recently asked a friend who had 9+ kids how she managed to sort laundry. She said "Sort? I just open the laundry shoot, which by the way is right over the washer, and wash whatever fits in the wash bin." I like that attitude! Let's hear it for gravity!

Third, rule I invoked today is "When Life hands me feathers, I'll make a pillow". I realize this doesn't make much sense without an explanation. But keep in mind, I always explain. (And this is my resolution, so if you don't like it, go make your own!)

I just spent the last 1 1/2 hours cleaning the garage. (In the spirit of sharing, I will tell you we had around 6" of snow last night and the temperature is around 20 degrees.) I was looking for the still-lost christmas tree stand. While I looked, I took advantage of the "organizing" buzz and cleaned enough so my partner can park her care in the garage. Bikes are put away, trash and broken toys ready for pickup, garden tools grouped, etc.

I was feeling very good about my accomplishments (see rule #2!) when I came inside to a horrifying sight. Our delightful dogs had shredded a feather pillow. All over the living room. Into the hallway. Feathers were on top of, underneath, and one with just about every object in the LARGE room.

Lest you think I am perfect (HAH!), I did call the dogs a few nasty names before sending them outside. I'd been up late last night cleaning this same room! I tried feeling sorry for myself (is this how I am rewarded after all that hard, cold, late work) but didn't have the energy. Sighing and complaining to no one, I grabbed our vacuums and began to clean.

One vacuum has a bag, which I filled twice into two "vacuum bag" pillows. (Hence the post name.) The other is bag less and has best suction for the feather coated rug.

I am happy because I cleaned and conquered a messy garage. I had more, unexpected cleaning to do. But I have the ability to clean (I'm not dead yet!) , the tools to clean, and the maturity to understand a mess is just a mess. Thank the goddess, feathers are not puke or poop (with which the dogs and children have presented me on other occasions).

The pillow, may it RIP, has been transformed. Somewhere, at the garbage dump, the rats and mice will find a new, soft bed in the filled vacuum cleaner bags

. Ms. Rat says: "THANK YOU!"

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