Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Naughty = Bipolar Disorder? Behavior Disorder? Having a Bad Day?

Behavior is the topic at our home. Manage the ones whom we've brought through some serious stuff. Help them cope with emotions by helping them find and use the right tools. Then a new situation pops up, and we are off again.

Our four year old is a peach. At parties, school, church, with the neighbors. Wherever he is "ON" he behaves beautifully. But get him alone with the family, where he doesn't want to do SOMETHING (go to bed, put away a toy, finish his dinner, put on a pull-up) and the explosive tantrums begin. He spits, kicks, hit, name calls, runs up the street. He shreds paper, breaks toys, throws whatever is near at hand. The child passes from OK and generally following with the flow to a demon child. We are waiting for his head to spin around and the green pea soup to come out of his mouth while he speaks in a creepy deep voice.

We've tried medication and he is off all meds for now. We've met with a behavioral specialist from the county. Our son weekly receives OT for sensory issues. We need to get him into a psychiatrist to see if this is related to his FASD, ARND, or some other disorder. I want to believe this is a phase that will pass, but I have enough parenting experience to know better.

Have I mentioned how much I get pissed at the birth mom for her use of narcotics and booze during pregnancy? Well, today I really am because this darling boy started out life with a big minus against him, thanks to her.


Snowflowers Mum said...

I read a blog post of a photographer I adore, seems that this weekend she almost drowned in the high surf of the west coast...her husband was trying to help her as she was panicking and being pummeled by the waves to 'breathe between the waves'...I think this is amazing advice and something I will try to do when things get out of hand(our little one with PTSD), just don't forget to 'breathe between waves'

good luck.

disclaimer; apparently some hunky lifesaver dude came to her rescue so perhaps the story isn't so poignant after all.

Sappho's Kitchen said...

I like the "breathe between the waves" idea. Sometimes I have to remember to breathe between the screams (his, not mine!) Two weeks ago things were crazy and I just started crying. On the floor, while trying to get him into the bath, he was screaming and crying and I started too. We cried together for about a half hour, until we were out of tears. He needs to know I hurt too, and I am not afraid to show him, A little but of our hearts melded together after this, and the tantrums aren't so personal anymore.