Since I've been an adult, I dream of famous people interacting with me in various settings. What makes this odd is that the people in my dreams are usually male and always comedians. I've dreamed of: Tina Fey, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, John Candy, John Goodman, to name a few. I have no idea what this means in dream speak, but me identifying with famous funny people must be tied to my own sense of humor and its ties to my self identity.

I like being funny. Making people laugh (sometimes) comes easily for me. I think interacting with comedians is a safe activity. Certainly a fun one.

But a new character came into my dreams yesterday. Not a comedian. Jimmy Smits is his name. I first "met" him TV-wise back on LA Law. He was a hot guy then and still is. But comedy? NO!
Evidently, I am also an equal opportunity dreamer. Male and female, African American and Latino. Maybe to fill out my dance card I should look up more comics of other ethnicities. Or study on other actors more known for their dramatic portrayals.
AND...... Why can't I pick who I dream about? Like GLBT supporter Mariska

Hargitay? Maybe if I look up her profile and find some "comedic-type things" she's said, I could allow my subconscious to change her category to female comic.
Maybe I should go nap and see what I can come up with, in my dreams.
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