Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I love to read. I have fond memories of my mom taking me to the library where I checked out 20 books at a time. Some what is now called graphic novels, but then to me were cartoon stories. Books on stuff I wasn't supposed to know about, like witchcraft. Or things "secular" that I couldn't hear about at home. (We were not allowed to listen to non-christian radio and are TV shows were screened for appropriate content.) The library was and still is a sacred place filled with voices from all over the world (and beyond!).

I've carried this love into my adult life. I don't have time to sit and read books so I listen to books on tape. I usually have the head set earbuds on and the CD player or tape player stuffed in the back of my jeans. Sure I look silly, but I'm able to "read" 10 or more books a month. While I do laundry, cook, walk the dogs, drive my car, or simply tune out the family. I READ. And books on tape count as READING.


BerengariaD said...

Listening to books on audio, tape or CD IS reading! And heaven. I have a big stack of library books on CD and tape on the shelf behind me, and several audio books on my player from the library, which I listen to while driving, doing chores and painting portraits. Makes the mundane a delight! That and diet coke are my two indulgences.

Sappho's Kitchen said...

Wonderful to hear from a kindred spirit! And you are an artist too! Excellent. I hope to hear from you again soon.