Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Weather Outside is..... Iffy

I was born to a city known for a carnival of seasons. Summer can be hot and definitely humid, complete with mosquitoes and flies. Fall is beautiful, with crunchy colorful leaves and a regular infestation of lady bugs. Cool, cool weather leading to a cold, cold winter. The fact of global warming had caused the frigid winters of my youth to become only memory. Until this one, where we've had below zero temps in December. Then on to spring, with green grass appearing just after the tree buds pop.

So on January 30 the season's promise of snow and cold has brought snow. Regular dumps of it. Today is no exception. The thawed liquid of days prior has frozen into icy sheets. Treacherous on sidewalks and roads. Fat yet fluffy flakes make driving visibility poor to medium-poor. I am supposed to drive the car with four kids 1.5 hours home. Through this delightful mess.

The kids are at a nearby civic center playing all forms of ball in a large gym. I am searching for lost socks and toys. Figuring out how to protect our car's floor from the guaranteed onset of german shepherd puke which starts about 45 minutes after we've been driving. I even prepared by packing extra paper towels and wet wipes (for hands and for cleanup.)

I miss my home yet I wish we could stay here. Why is it I make friends with people who live far away from me? So my decision to drive is a lukewarm one. We have hockey practices and clothes to launder and two dogs which have caused slight damage to Padda and Kingpin's house. (Who knew the dogs would chew on a rolled spool of 15' sun cover half-buried in snow?) The house is vacant, giving me room to procrastinate and blog rather than pack the car as I am supposed to do.

So we will see. Go home or not today. Will I?

1 comment:

John's Arts & Crafts said...

Great Blog! New Blog on the Hx. of the Ladybug: http://historyoftheladybug.blogspot.com/