Saturday, October 2, 2010

Medication and Denial

How many times have I pulled the medication warning paper off the bag of prescriptions meds and not bothered to read it? Maybe 99%, especially with meds I've used for other people in the family. So hypertension is a side affect of using Concerta, but the side affect was not one that would affect me.

Ignorance is bliss, as they say. Purposeful ignorance becomes denial. What I don't know can hurt me. What I refuse to acknowledge as risk and continue to practice becomes deadly.

I am trying not to make a big deal about medication. So this one made me sick and scared, but I listened to my body, checked my blood pressure over a few days, and concluded I had to discontinue the medication.

What I am admitting here is acknowledging the care I have to take of this body as I end my half-century of living. And begin the next, silly! I am NOT THAT FAR GONE!

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